Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I haven't posted in a while. And I am saying sorry mainly to myself, but life is gotten in the way for a bit as it sometimes does.

I am starting a sewing project tonight.

Here's to me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I made a goal for myself a while back to complete all the sewing patterns in the Generation T books.
I have been doing well, at collecting the t-shirts needed.

I figured out my problem though. Organization.
It doesn't work so well when you have a pile of t-shirts and have to pick one to make with the pattern you want to do.
I was going a little backwards.

My problem is being solved. Proven by the early morning entry. I have a good dozen patterns and shirts lined up for me to start working on.

Here we go...
...tomorrow after work. :P

Monday, June 7, 2010


I received an e-mail from MC College in Winnipeg today.
In it, was a list of the requirements that are needed to apply to said school.

They are as follows:
*3 sewn garments
*5-8 pieces of art work
*5 pictures of a seasonal wardrobe
*3D design
*high school transcript
*$100 registration fee

There was some slight confusion to her thinking that I was applying for this september, as she is wanting all of those by the end of the month. Heh.
I am wanting to e-mail her back anyways and get some clarification on some of the requirements.

I am not too worried about most of them... except the 3D design. I am almost biting my nails because of that one. I have no idea what I am doing with 3D.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New dress.

I am losing power on my netbook. Hopefully I will have my power cord back after my shift tomorrow, to update with my progress.

I will be starting a new sewing project tomorrow.
A dress. Using an awesome t-shirt that says "with a shirt like this, who needs pants".
I am going to attempt to take pictures of the process. However, having never done so before, I may forget a couple times. Hehe.

I want to get my cardboard body frame measured and cut as well. :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

School Choice #1

I have been looking into a couple schools in Canada.

One, that I actually just found, is in Winnipeg. Two hours ago from my home.
The school was just hair and esthetics, but they recently added a fashion department.

MC College Group

With schools in Edmonton and Winnipeg for fashion puts it in the fore-front for me.

I have requested information from the website for the Winnipeg location as there isn't too much information on the site.

It would be nice to be close to home, family and friends, plus to have friends there as well. It is so scary to me to move to a city where I don't know anyone.
I know Winnipeg fairly well, so getting around and knowing where stores are wouldn't be bad.
However, Winnipeg... is.. Winnipeg. It's dangerous. It's kind of scary. But I suppose with a secure building and a decent neighborhood, it wouldn't be too bad.
Chris, my husband, wouldn't have to find another job in a new city.

I have looking through my books for a new pattern to start beefing up my sewing skills. I need to submit three articles of clothing sewn by me as well as a portfolio. So I have a lot to do before I can go back to school.

I can do it though.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Start...

Here I am.
I am starting my journey through my love of fashion.

Since I was a child, I remember being in love with fashion. Accessories, shoes, belts... everything. I loved it.
As I grew, I would find things in stores, old and new, and always think... how could I change this? or make this original? or what else could I wear this with?

But of course, I never actually thought to take Home Economics and learn to sew.

So I started a couple months ago, slowly teaching myself to sew. My guide: the internet and the Generation T books.

I have been doodling some dresses and dreaming of the future. I am crazy nervous, flustered to a point but psyched. I really want to do this.

I am starting to look at schools and will probably make a pro/con lists. So far, it's Halifax, Winnipeg or Kelowna.